Councilwoman Gray to hold (rescheduled) community input/comment meeting regarding proposed renaming of Boulevard (street) to Arthur Ashe Boulevard
All Richmond North Central 2nd Voter District residents invited and encouraged to attend
WHAT Richmond, Virginia - The Honorable Kim B. Gray, Councilwoman, Richmond City Council, Richmond North Central 2nd Voter District, will hold a (rescheduled) community input/comment meeting regarding proposed renaming of Boulevard (street) to Arthur Ashe Boulevard. All RichmondNorth Central 2nd Voter District residents are invited and encouraged to attend. (The meeting was originally scheduled to be held September 13, 2018 and was canceled due to forecasted inclement weather.)
The Honorable Levar Stoney, Mayor of Richmond, was also invited and is planning to attend.
WHEN Tuesday, October 9, 2018
5:30-7:30 p.m.
WHERE Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
Leslie Cheek Theater
200 N. Boulevard, Richmond, Virginia
CONTACT Mr. Craig K. Bieber, Liaison for The Honorable Kim B. Gray, Councilwoman, Richmond City Council, Richmond North Central 2nd Voter District, at 804.646.6532 (tel), (email)